Have you ever experienced a time when you needed cash and had no way to get it? If you are currently experiencing this problem, there is a solution. You can turn to a payday loan lender for a fast, short-term loan. A payday loan is one of the easiest types of loans to get when you need cash right away. Here are several things to understand about how payday loans work
Does your business involve significant amounts of travel? If so, you face a small but important dilemma that most taxpayers don't have to deal with: how to determine your tax home. Not sure what a tax home is and what yours should be? Here is a short guide to help you out. What Is a Tax Home? For tax purposes, each taxpayer actually has two different applicable physic
During recessions when stock markets are falling, investors flock to tangible assets. Having a few ancient coins in your pocket will not only provide financial security but also diversify your investment portfolio. Like gold, ancient coins are a store of value in recessionary times. Yet different from gold, more factors affect the value of ancient coins. Ancient
With the modern decline of traditional brick-and-mortar retailers and the ever-increasing ubiquity of virtual business, modern banking is also following the trends. In fact, the trend towards non-traditional banking can be seen as beginning with the introduction of automated teller machines (ATMs), which allowed for the automation of numerous everyday customer tasks s
The S&P 500 had a rip-roaring year in 2019. The stock index benchmark returned 31.5 percent over the year, more than double its 10-year average of 13.5 percent. Indisputably impressive performance. But the 100 most sustainable companies did even better, returning 34.3 percent to shareholders. The world's best corporate citizens are earning higher returns for